Pillars of Eternity Act Iii Scaling Continue to Act Iv

Raedric's Hold Exterior

Raedric's Hold Exterior
  1. St. Gyran's Horn (ingredient)
  2. River Reed (ingredient)
  3. Springberry (ingredient)
  4. River Reed (ingredient)
  5. River Reed (ingredient)
  6. Nudwin (contains Estoc, Medium Shield, Scale Armor, Helm and Copper Pand x17)
  7. Cletlan (contains War Bow, Scale Armor, Helm, Milk and Silver Fenning)
  8. Archer x2 (contains War Bow x2, Leather Armor x2, Acorn Helm x2 and Silver Fenning x3)
  9. Raedric Guard x6 and Sellsword (contains Pollaxe x5, Sabre, Spear, Stiletto, Mail Armor x6, Padded Armor, Nasal Helm x6, Silver Fenning x4, Copper Pand x55 and Copper Skeyt x40)
  10. Crate (contains Meat)
  11. Barrel (contains Silver Lusce x78)
  12. Paladin of Berath x2, Raedric Guard, Archer x2 and Sellsword (contains Great Sword x2, Sabre, Stiletto, Plate Armor x2, Padded Armor, Cape x2, Full Helm x2, Golden Suole x2, Pollaxe, Mail Armor, Nasal Helm, Copper Pand x39, War Bow x2, Leather Armor x2, Acorn Helm x2, Silver Fenning x10 and Copper Skeyt x22)
  13. Raedric Guard (contains Pollaxe, Mail Armor, Nasal Helm and Copper Pand x19)
  14. Crate (contains Bloodstone x2 and Golden Oble x16)
  15. Raedric Guard and Archer (contains War Bow, Leather Armor, Acorn Helm, Pollaxe, Mail Armor, Nasal Helm and Copper Pand x33)
  16. SCOUTING – Barrel (contains Potion of Eldritch Aim)
  17. Weapon Rack (contains Quarterstaff)
  18. IN ARMORY (LOCKED) – Chest (contains Quarterstaff and Fine Large Shield)
  19. IN ARMORY (LOCKED) – Chest (contains Fine Breastplate and Brigandine)
  20. Armor Rack (contains Robe and Ram Horn Helm)
  21. Raedric Guard (contains Pollaxe, Mail Armor, Nasal Helm and Copper Pand x7)
  22. Archer (contains War Bow, Leather Armor, Acorn Helm and Silver Lusce x4)
  23. Archer, Paladin of Berath and Priest of Berath (contains Great Sword, Mace, Small Shield, Plate Armor, Robe, Cape, Full Helm, Padded Cap, War Bow, Leather Armor, Acorn Helm, Silver Lusce x8 and Copper Pand x13)
  24. THROUGH DUNGEON – Barrel (contains Crossbow, Potion of Iron Skin and Copper Pand x242)
  25. THROUGH DUNGEON – Sellsword x2, Raedric Guard, Archer and Captain of the Guard (contains Sabre x2, Spear, Stiletto x2, Mail Armor, Padded Armor x2, Nasal Helm, Sword, Medium Shield, Fine Scale Armor, Great Helm, War Bow, Leather Armor, Acorn Helm, Silver Lusce x5, Silver Fenning x5 and Copper Pand x20)
  26. THROUGH DUNGEON – Crate (contains Tricorne Hat)
  27. THROUGH DUNGEON – Crate (contains Fine Mace)
  28. THROUGH SANCTUARY – Barrel (contains Golden Duc x33)
  29. THROUGH SANCTUARY (SCOUTING) – Wooden Box (contains Boots of Stealth, Scroll of Fan of Flames and Moonstone x2)
  30. THROUGH SANCTUARY – Crate (contains Frog Helm and Adra)
  31. THROUGH SANCTUARY – Barrel (contains Potion of Iron Skin and Copper Pand x165)

Go through the front entrance of Raedric's Hold. We are trying to rack up as many kills as possible for the Super Murderer achievement, so there won't be any sneak tactics here. Kill the guards out the front and move in. There is a pretty tough battle here, so make sure to use tactics, spells, skills and potions to win the battle. This was the first time I was challenged in regard to the health of one of my companions so be wary. There is another battle just up the steps as well so be prepared for a challenge. If a party member falls during battle, they will get back up at the end of it, but their endurance will be lower. If this falls to zero, the party member will be dead, so make sure to camp between battles when you can to restore lost endurance. At this stage, you might be running out of room in your inventory and stash. Although you could only pick up the worthwhile things, it's going to be important to have as much money as possible, so I would suggest the painfully annoying task of going back and forth to sell things off when you're full. Make sure to collect the meat in one of the barrels around here, because now you can craft a savory pie:

Savory Pie (food 4/5)

Don't go through the big stained glass; instead go through the smaller door to the left of the stairs. This will take you up to the next level of the exterior for more fighting and looting. There is a door you can enter up here to find some locked chests and loot, then head around and clear out this upper level of the exterior of enemies and loot. At this point we are going to head inside, so I first recommend heading back to any area that has a merchant and sell off all of your useless items for a nice haul of money (I chose the Black Hound Inn at Gilded Vale and had a nice sleep for some important buffs). Then return to the front of the castle, but don't cross the moat bridge. Instead go around to the right and enter the interact with the grate around the side of the castle. You should have a prybar in your stash so use it to bend the bars and swim through.

Raedric's Hold Dungeon

Raedric's Hold Dungeon
  1. Table (contains Development of a Crucible Knight Part 1 book and Silver Fenning x11)
  2. Human Skeleton x2 (contains Sword x2, Medium Shield x2 and Vessel Bone)
  3. TRAPPED – Sarcophagus (contains Fine Brigandine, Moonstone and Copper Pand x232)
  4. TRAPPED – Sarcophagus (contains War Bow and Adra)
  5. Urn (contains Copper Skeyt x265)
  6. TRAPPED – Wooden Box (contains Minor Cloak of Protection)
  7. Wooden Box (contains Ale, Mead and Spirits)
  8. Black Ooze x2 (contains Ooze Plasma and Velune)
  9. Sand (contains Moonstone)
  10. Human and Aumaua Skeletons (contain Pike, Sword and Medium Shield)
  11. Aumaua Skeleton (contains Pike)
  12. SCOUTING – Loose Brick (contains Boots of Evasion, Garnet, Adra x2 and Hammer and Chisel)
  13. Human and Aumaua Skeletons (contain Pike, Sword and Medium Shield)
  14. Table (contains Scroll of Minoletta's Minor Missiles, Edrang Hadret book and Golden Oble x6)
  15. Crate (contains Rite of Hidden Wonders and Copper Skeyt x74)
  16. Osrya (contains Osrya's Grimoire, Rod, Golden Suole x17 and Rusted Iron Cell Key)
  17. Shelf (contains Admeth Hadret Part 2 book and Copper Pand x104)
  18. Table (contains The Dyrwood Part 6 book)
  19. Chest (contains Fine Stilletto, Scroll of Jolting Touch and Silver Lusce x24)
  20. Crate (contains Camping Supplies)
  21. LOCKED – Crate (contains Padded Armor)
  22. Chest (contains Silver Lusce x32)
  23. Barrel (contains Beer, Spirits and Vegetable)

This dungeon has quite a few traps so it's best if you stay in scouting mode the whole way through this level. In the room with containers 6 and 7 is a set of ladders that you can go up to collect some more loot and fight some more people on the exterior, then return through the same trap door back to the dungeon. Keep fighting and collecting everything you can. When you get to a set of four jail cells around the center of the map, leave them locked for now. We'll come back here once we've cleared the dungeon of enemies. Move northwest from here through two rooms and talk to Osrya. Choose the [Honest] option, then ask about Waidwen's Legacy.

[Honest 2 – Level 1]

Also ask why there is no cure yet, then attack. Collect everything in the room (including a cat that can replace your dog companion) then go back to the locked cell if you've cleared out the rest of the dungeon. Unlock the northern cell door and speak to Giacco. Make the assumption that he ended up here by storming the keep, and then ask him about Osrya. Tell him that Osrya is dead and that he is free and should make a run for it.

Now head in a northwest direction and take the stairs to the next level of the keep. Don't do anything on this level. Instead, take the next set of stairs right next to the last to go to the final level of the keep.

Raedric's Hold Sanctuary

Raedric's Hold Sanctuary
  1. Chest (contains Berathian Priest Robes x3)
  2. Chest (contains Berathian Priest Robes x3 and Fine Pollaxe)
  3. Armor Rack (contains Hide Armor and Tricorne Hat)
  4. Weapon Rack (contains Hunting Bow)
  5. Acolyte of Berath x2 (contains Club x2, Simple Clothing x2, Golden Suole x4 and Silver Fenning x3)
  6. High Priest (contains Mace, Small Shield, Robe, Padded Cap and Silver Fenning x6)
  7. Priest of Berath x2, Priestess of Berath and Acolyte of Berath (contains Club, Mace x3, Small Shield x3, Robe x3, Simple Clothing, Padded Cap, Silver Lusce x4, Copper Pand x4, Copper Skeyt x9 and Silver Fenning x3)
  8. LOCKED – Closet (contains Potion of Power, Potion of Fleet Feet, Bloodstone and Silver Lusce x19)
  9. Acolyte of Berath x2 and Priestess of Berath (contains Mace, Small Shield, Robe, Club x2, Simple Clothing x2, Golden Suole x4 and Copper Skeyt x24)
  10. Temple Guardian (contains Great Sword, Plate Armor, Full Helm and Copper Skeyt x3)
  11. High Priestess, Acolyte of Berath x2 and Paladin of Berath (contains Great Sword, Club x2, Mace, Small Shield, Plate Armor, Robe, Simple Clothing x2, Full Helm, Silver Lusce x6, Copper Pand x30 and Copper Skeyt x12)
  12. Table (contains Beer, Rice and Spirits)
  13. Priest, Priestess and Acolyte of Berath (contains Club, Mace x2, Small Shield x2, Robe x2, Simple Clothing, Padded Cap, Silver Fenning x7 and Copper Skeyt x12)
  14. Table (contains Egg, Vegetable and Fruit)
  15. Temple Guardian and Priestess, Priest and Acolyte of Berath (contains Great Sword, Club, Mace x2, Small Shield x2, Plate Armor, Robe x2, Simple Clothing, Padded Cap, Full Helm, Copper Pand x7, Copper Skeyt x23 and Silver Lusce x6)
  16. Skull (contains Moonstone x2)
  17. Wooden Box (contains Eothasian Prayer and Silver Fenning x40)
  18. Bookcase (contains Berathian Scripture book)
  19. Bookcase (contains Admeth Hadret Part 2 book)
  20. Chest (contains Fine Robe, Spirits and Scroll of Restore Minor Endurance)
  21. Priest and Priestess of Berath (contains Mace x2, Small Shield x2, Robe x2, Padded Cap, Copper Pand and Copper Skeyt x13)
  22. Drawer (contains Edrang Hadret book and Golden Scelling x38)
  23. Table (contains Copper Skeyt x200 and Scrawled Note)
  24. Bookcase (contains The Dyrwood Part 5 book)
  25. Bookcase (contains The Many Faces of Berath book)

Although the chests in this room contain some robes that can be used to blend in, don't do that; we want to keep our kill count rising. Continue around in a circular fashion until you reach the southwest corner. There is a door here that leads to the final exterior area and also a table containing, importantly, an egg. If you have been collecting everything up to this point, you should now be able to craft the Farmer's Spread food for our next achievement:

  • Chef

    Created 5 or more different food items


That leaves us with only one crafting achievement to complete (apply 5 different enchantments), so let's start (and hopefully finish) it now. If you enter your inventory and press Y over an item you have equipped, you will see an option to enchant; select it. Now select an enchantment that can be applied. I chose "Burning Lash" for my weapon. I was also able to apply "Fine" to my shield and "Of Constitution" to my armor. I was able to apply "Damaging 1" and "Accurate 1" to one of my other character's weapons. For some reason my achievement didn't drop, so I applied one more ("Of Dexterity" for my ranger's armor) and then the achievement dropped.

  • Enchanter

    Applied 5 or more different enchantments


Just an important note: The enchantments MUST be different so although it may be tempting, don't apply any enchantments that you already have. If you can't find 5 (or 6) different enchantments that you can apply right now, keep track of which ones you have applied and come back later.

At this point, I was pretty full in the inventory department, so I took a quick break to Black Hound Inn, then came right back to this same point. Now continue out of this room and to the northeast to encounter Nedmar. Suggest that he doesn't like Kolsc very much. Ask how he knew you were here on behalf of Kolsc, then tell Nedmar you're here to face Redric. Ask to know more about Giacco and Osrya's experiments, then tell him that Giacco is safe. Ask him what the key opens and that you thought he would favour Kolsc, then tell Nedmar you need to rest. When you wake up, choose the [Honest] option.

[Honest 3 – Level 1]

You can unlock the door to the northwest with your new key, but we aren't going to go this way. Instead, go back to where you first entered this area and back down the steps to the previous level of the keep.

Raedric's Keep

Raedric's Keep
  1. Wooden Box (contains Vegetable x2)
  2. Vase (contains Snowcap x2 and Whiteleaf)
  3. Raedric Guard x3, Sellsword and Priestess of Berath (contains Pollaxe x3, Mace, Sabre, Stiletto, Small Shield, Mail Armor x3, Padded Armor, Robe, Nasal Helm x3, Silver Lusce x13 and Copper Pand x22)
  4. Drawer (contains Scroll of Rolling Flame and Silver Lusce x62)
  5. Crate (contains Fine Mail Armor and Silver Lusce x62)
  6. Chest (contains Spear, Moonstone and Copper Pand x110)
  7. Archer, Sellsword and Raedric Guard (contains Pollaxe, War Bow, Sabre, Stiletto, Leather Armor, Mail Armor, Padded Armor, Acorn Helm, Nasal Helm and Golden Suole x9)
  8. Priest of Berath, Raedric Guard x2, Sellsword x2 and Archer (contains Pollaxe x3, Mace, Small Shield, Mail Armor x3, Robe, Nasal Helm x3, Padded Cap, Sabre x2, Stiletto x2, Padded Armor x2, War Bow, Leather Armor, Acorn Helm, Copper Pand x22, Silver Fenning x16 and Silver Lusce x7)
  9. Spellwright and Sellsword (contains Spellwright's Tome, Sabre, Stiletto, Wand, Fine Robe, Padded Armor, Cape, Hood and Silver Lusce x8)
  10. Weapon Rack (contains Dagger)
  11. Armor Rack (contains Padded Armor and Acorn Helm)
  12. Archer and Raedric Guard (contains Pollaxe, War Bow, Leather Armor, Mail Armor, Acorn Helm, Nasal Helm, Silver Lusce x5 and Copper Skeyt x11)
  13. Spellwright, Paladin of Berath x2, Sellsword (contains Spellwright's Tome, Great Sword x2, Sabre, Stiletto, Wand, Fine Robe, Plate Armor x2, Padded Armor, Cape x3, Full Helm x2, Hood, Silver Fenning x16 and Silver Lusce x5)
  14. Raedric Guard (contains Pollaxe, Mail Armor, Nasal Helm and Copper Pand x8)
  15. Raedric Guard, Sellsword and Priest of Berath (contains Pollaxe, Mace, Sabre, Stiletto, Small Shield, Mail Armor, Padded Armor, Robe, Nasal Helm, Padded Cap, Silver Lusce x6 and Copper Pand x12)
  16. Wooden Box (contains Silver Lusce x19)
  17. Weapon Rack (contains Fine Spear and Sword)
  18. Bookshelf (contains Naasitaq Poetry book)
  19. Bookcase (contains St. Waidwen book)
  20. Bookcase (contains The Dyrwood Part 4 book)
  21. Drawer (contains Scroll of Binding Web and Silver Lusce x50)
  22. Table (contains Potion of Minor Recovery and Golden Scelling x20)
  23. Wooden Box (contains Pistol and Golden Duc x18)
  24. LOCKED – Chest (contains Rymrgand's Mantle, Scroll of Ray of Fire and Bloodstone)
  25. TRAPPED – Chest (contains Ring of Unshackling and Bloodstone)
  26. Raedric and his crew (contains Justice, Spellwright's Tome, Fine Robe, and various weapons/armor/coins)
  27. SCOUTING – Container (contains Fine Scepter, Peridot and Amethyst x2)

Raedric is in the northeast corner so check out all of the other rooms first if you are collecting everything (again, I suggest that you do for the money we will need later). In the east (just below the large room that Raedric is in) you can find the body of a woman and a trapped chest.

I was pretty full again at this point, but chose to push on, as we only have the one room left. I also chose to camp out at this point, to make sure everyone was full health and spells for the battle. You can open the door in this eastern room to gain access to this last room and confront Raedric.

Ask him if Kolsc is his cousin, ask him what he's lost, then choose the [Passionate] option, then the next [Passionate] option to start the fight.

[Passionate 6 – Level 1]

Focus on the spellcasters first then on the knights. This is a really tough battle, so you will need to concentrate on pausing, casting spells and skills, and healing. You may lose a few party members during the fight but keep on the assault and you should prevail. Don't forget to loot what you can (leave behind any cheap items like hoods and capes if you can't carry everything). There is a secret compartment on the throne with some extra loot too.

If you move to leave this room through the large doors to the south, Kolsc will arrive. Speak to him to complete this long side quest. Take this opportunity to speak at length with Durance. Exhaust every conversation option you have. We can now leave to the Black Hound for some much-needed rest and selling of loot. Now head to Caed Nua (you will need to travel to Black Meadow first, then exit to the east of this map).


Passionate: Level 1
Honest: Level 1
Benevolent: Level 1
Diplomatic: Level 1
Companions: 3 of 8
Food Crafting: Complete
Scroll Crafting: Complete
Potion Crafting Complete
Trap Setting Complete
Enchantments: Complete
Total Enemies Defeated: 295 of 1200

A few notes:

  • From now on, I won't be listing the crafting in the summary, as they are all completed
  • I will begin to write a goal for the total number of enemies defeated as a reminder of the achievement. At this point in time, I have 295 of 1200 required kills.
  • From now on, I won't be listing how many points I have sunk in to each disposition; I will only list the level they have reached out of the required 3 (we need 3 different dispositions level 3 for the achievement).
  • I also won't be listing what is in every container, unless it is important or rare. There are heaps of map guides on the internet that list these things, if you want to collect everything. We've completed all of the crafting achievements at this stage, so collecting everything is more a matter of money than anything else.

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Source: https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Pillars-of-Eternity/walkthrough/7

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